Rice Lake, Wisconsin
Now Playing:

June 1 - 11, 2022
7:30 pm nightly
no show Sunday, August 5
Director:Brandon Brown
Assistant Director: Gail Gifford
Signs of summer in northwest Wisconsin always include the opening of The Red Barn Theatre’s first show of the season. This year audiences will be delighted by “Aboveboard,” a funny and new capricious caper written by Peter Bloedel and Emily Kimbal and directed by Brandon Brown, assisted by Gail Gifford. The show runs evenings from June 1–June 11, with curtain time at 7:30 pm. (There are no performances on Sundays).
When NICK (Jackson Liedl) becomes suspicious that his next door neighbor and good friend MILO (Brandon Brown) is stealing food from his refrigerator, he sets up a surveillance camera to catch him. He is startled to discover a lot more than he bargained for. Other cast members include Helen Goosby as MARNIE, Mia Penzkover as JESSICA, Sheila Shaffer as ROSA and Chris Olson as ALEX. The featured artist for this show is the multi-talented Mia Penzkover. Besides acting, she is known for her watercolors and beadwork which will be on display in the RBT gallery.
th of the man’s identity is revealed, and Tom and Huck are reunited. But are they still friends? Can they still share their deepest dreams and darkest secrets?
Written by Bernard Sabath and Directed by Patsy Vork, the show features Bill Koslosky as Thomas Gray (Tom Sawyer) and Pat Liedl as Henry Finnigan (Huck Finn).